Sascha's Music

Friday, October 31, 2008


This dress is called Wilhelmina in honour of my mother, I think she would appreciate this dress being named after her. She was a very elegant woman and probably would turn in her grave, as to how unelegant I have turned out! Haha.
Also, our Dutch queen-mother was called Wilhelmina, hmmm though a very sturdy short and slightly chubby queen, she was quite an impressive woman! LOL.

The Wilhelmina comes in 3 different flexi skirts and a shawl to complete this beautiful dress.

The colours are: Black, Gold, Silver, Peach, White and Pink.

Price: 400 L

Hair: ETD
Shape: Allady
Skin: Redgrave
Shoes: Ixia Rhodes
Necklace: Laurens Rau
Photography: Laurent Vesta
Dress: by me! ;-)


Lonely Paul said...


Sascha Frangilli said...

Hmmmz am I getting spammed?

SySy Chapman said...

aww what a sweet gesture to name it after your mom ;)) And yes our Queen was a chubby sweet queenie he :D