Sascha's Music

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Viva la Vida

As the song "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay is one of my all-time favourites and I was at a total blank as to what to call this ballroom gown... and I was listening to this song whilst making it, well.. there you got it. ;-)

The Viva la Vida ballroom gown comes with the following options:

* Top
* 2 different kind of straps
* Glitch Skirt Long
* Glitch Pants Long
* Gloves
* Glitch Skirt Medium
* Glitch Pants Medium
* Shoulder piece

* Battleship Flexi Skirt
* Sleek Flexi Skirt
* Grande Flexi Skirt
* Big Sucker Flexi Skirt
* Swooshy Flexi Skirt
* Knee Flexi Skirts (x 3)

Price: 600 L

x Sascha Frangilli

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