Sascha's Music

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Maelie Pink for 2Lei (Violence against Women)

(Picture made by Annough Lykin)

SAS - Maelie Pink Gown on auction for 2Lei.

I am speaking from personal experience as I have been in a domestic violent relationship for 10 years.  From a normal happy young Twenty-something, I had changed into a mousy Thirty-something with no social life in 10 years. Now I am a happy Forty-something and am so glad I had the guts to step out of that relationship.

(if you look closely at the 2000 picture, you can see the bruise on my cheek)

Please do not let any man (or woman) hit you, kick you or make you feel like shit.  Leave the fucker asap and do not be embarrassed to ask for help! If he hits you more than twice, he will continue and will never stop.  Please, please leave him (or her)!  If I had had the guts to speak up and ask for help asap, I would have never been in such a bad situation.

Find the courage for yourself to be no longer treated like shit! If I could find the courage to leave my abusive spouse, so can you!  :-)

x  Sascha Frangilli

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