Sascha's Music

Thursday, October 17, 2013

FREE 20,000 Members Gown

Combine my inworld and my subscribo groups and Sascha's Designs is now well over 21,000 members as of a few days ago. To celebrate this milestone, I have released the 20,000+ members gown.

When I think back of how I started back in 2007; in a little store of 10 x 10 metres with gowns which would be now too horrific to wear......., haha. My ex-partner MikeyTwo Frangilli build me a new store which I thought  was huge, but within a few months I had to branch out again and I started renting my first plot of land. My first store on my own land was build with the help of my ex-partner and MissSherlock Hoffman.  I am still at the same plot, but have grown a bit since then. :-)

I would not have been able to have gotten to this point without my Headsupports throughout the years; Sapphire Teebrook, Marcy Wilson, Jaguar Pearl and Roodvosje Rosse.
My photographers through the years; Laurent Vesta, Avona Ryba and Jaden Hollow have been detriment as well to building Sascha's Designs up.
But most important to have gotten where I am today, is thanks to my loyal, funny and great customers who appreciate the stupid jokes and farts and above all my style of clothes that I make.

Thank you all.

Huggs and Kisses,

Sascha Frangilli
Sascha's Designs

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