Sascha's Music

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Kevina

The Kevina is one of those dresses where I go in my head: "Yeah, this is a good one". :-)
Strangely enough in RL and SL I have plenty of things to say, but when it comes to my own outfits on my blog, I just cannot promote my own stuff. I just can't. That is one of the reason why I am so happy to have Avona Ryba as my photographer; a picture speaks a thousand words... ;-)
The Kevina comes with the following options:

* Top
* Bolero sculpt
* Flimsy Skirt and Pants
* Flimsy Flexi skirt
* Cocktail Skirt and Pants
* Cocktail Flexi skirt
* Cocktail Tight Flexi skirt
* White and Black Gloves
* Mini Skirt and Pants
* Transparant Mini Flexi Skirt
* Straight Mini Flexi Skirt
* A-Sym Mini Flexi Skirt
* Mini Flexi Skirt
* Summer Hat

Price: 399 L

x Sascha Frangilli

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